How should we punish a hamster?

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Nicarus is back !

Nicarus has returned, gently singed by the strong sun and thin ozone in Lam Dong, but in good form. Rumours abound that the Gods are bickering in their lofty abode, and mortals have become concerned that recent storms and lightning reflect the sour mood that prevails in the heavens. Nicarus has suggested opening up the hamster to see what his entrails might tell us of the future, and was seen sharpening his toenail clippers in anticipation. But one suspects that this will not be approved by middle management, and instead a humble offering will have to suffice in a bid to soothe those in whom our collective fates do rest.

1 comment:

  1. Nicarus aka Lord Jim of Gonzo has been seen offering a PGA tour instructor as a sacrifice to appease the gods. Unfortunately this has done nothing for the gods who all have an excellent swing and play of very low handicaps. Given this situation, we all note with concern that he has also recently brought a book into the office called "How to fillet a Hamster in three easy steps".
