How should we punish a hamster?

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Wonders of “Shake Shake” Chicken

Today the TL (who is still waiting to fly but almost managed it last week) and his half sister Kim Ngoc Lee went to a newly opened and exclusive restaurant in the centre of town. Being new and from the village, TL decided to wear his best suit and tie and waited anxiously the whole morning for the Thapster to take them to a new gastronomic world, much to the irritation of the rest of our little office. Sister KNL, commented on the wonderful interior décor of the new restaurant – bright red and a tasteful beige colour – being from North Korea she is extremely au fait with the latest trends and is known to be a bit of a style icon in her own right. All were impressed with the exotic “shake shake” chicken combo …. well all except KNL who remembered her family’s secret “shake shake” chicken recipe which she had hoped would make her fortune in the West. Outraged that someone else had stolen her idea she went into a rage, throwing away all the cutlery and storming out. TL was sad, he only wanted prawn balls but alas was cruelly denied (I guess it serves him right for wearing a tie). Oh well perhaps in a few months when sister KNL has forgotten this episode we could all head back, meantime we remain hungry….

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