How should we punish a hamster?

Monday, June 8, 2009

Arrival of Our Rich Friend

Now that our office is safe for habitation, we had a very nice surprise today as our rich friend from Tay Ho came to our office. She made her fortune developing Mi Ba instant noodles. Unfortunately for her our car parking situation in our office is not the best and she was disappointed to note that she could not park her family runaround in our car park (a recent picture of her car is attached here). Never mind she will borrow a Humbvee from our friend the mosquito as it can be parked anywhere.


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  2. One day our rich friend may also arrive at the office on a luxury yatch which she uses to go around the lake for sight-seeing and sun-bathing every sunny day. God knows, she even wants to add one more Lamborghini to her collection ...
