How should we punish a hamster?

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Girding ourselves for the stormy waters ahead

The crew have chosen to take a little shore-leave this weekend, in anticipation of some rough sailing in the week ahead. Caught twixt Scylla and Charybdis, we'll be seeking to keep our leaky craft on an even keel, and hope that our aim is true. Camels and needle eyes come to mind. But we must summon our collective nerve, and ask that the gentle sirens assist us, as we navigate the way ahead. No compass or charts will help us now. Some crew members worry that we will come to the edge of the world, but hopefully we will come to the new world of milk and honey. So, mateys, lash yourselves to the mast and hang on tight, cos here we go ...!


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  5. The crew have faced some rough sailing on an overcast and rainy day. Strong wind and waves, obstacles are still lying ahead, may the Divine Leader bless the team.
