How should we punish a hamster?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

the Sheraton gym membership

as we have resorted to food therapy recently to deal with our stressful life, most of us have become overweight. the sheraton gym membership is supposed to make us all thinner, or at least feel thinner. the wallet definitely feels thinner. However, the plus side is that the family membership means anyone in the family can go. so we are organizing a couple of tennis games around mid-day, which is the only time it is free. the TL has promised to come in his Dunlop slippers. KNL is not a very good tennis player, as Koreans nowadays are not very sportive. TL and KNL are actually related, they grew up in North Korea, but since TL wasn't mommie's favorite, he had to work in the field and became very dark. TL also had an adopted Danish brother from Dak Lak who used to beat him every now and then. so TL, KNL, the Danish brother and the Japanese clinic manager will play a game of tennis very soon.

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