How should we punish a hamster?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

fengshui luck

-I really need the statue now. we've run into all sorts of bad luck today. danish brother pointed out that we could have replaced the safebox with a fridge, so we would not have to throw the milk out at the end of everyday. as an unpaid consultant and economist, he always points out things ex-post, like trying to explain the recession after it had already taken place.

as the TL told agronoman that his humvee and mobile phones were too fancy for our humble graveyard view place, he did not know what he was getting himself into. unfortunately quentin's father had gone south with his bazouka, so no one was able to come to the rescue. The phoenix lady called one of the consultants to interrogate him on his involvement, making implicit threats. TL was mad, KNL was stupid, thapster was enthusiastic to make some money, we managed to get ourselves into a lot of trouble. in the end a lot of beer was involved, and no sight of the expensive gym membership being used.

once we have the statue everything will get better. dear super being can you bless it quickly please

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