How should we punish a hamster?

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Mirinda bottle has been found

The TL waiting to fly has managed to manipulate the intricate combination of the safe, in which he found the half-empty (half-full?) bottle of Mirinda. As we were hoping he would forget such a thing exists, it turned out that wasn't quite the case. We were showered with honor as the phoenix lady has sent her helper elf, but with such ill-fitting shoes she couldn't do any work. As KNL is from Korea, helper-elf wouldn't speak to her. But helper-elf offered Danish brother some instant coffee, which pissed the TL off. Not only does TL have to work in the field, he also has to make his own coffee, while his fair skin siblings just enjoy the day away.

1 comment:

  1. Disgusted and disgruntled, I am feeling that there is a conspiracy against me. Not only are my siblings enjoying themselves but the now the helper elf – where will it end, does anybody care. These and other questions simply won’t be answered in this blog
